5 Social Media Tips for Small Business Owners
Updated: Jun 11, 2024
Did you know that “77% of small businesses use social media to connect with their customers” (Forbes)? But maybe even more compelling than that, “76% of consumers look at online presence before physically visiting a business” (PR Newswire).
So, if you’ve already decided to venture into the world of social media (and if you’re reading this blog post, I’m assuming you have), then you’re making the right decision!! As a small business owner, you’re used to juggling the many facets of running a successful business. And we get it—it’s a lot!
So, we wanted to help you with a few simple tips to get you started! These may seem like no brainers, but they really are important to not only starting your social media presence but maintaining it as well. We’ve all seen those business accounts that did great for a month or two but now haven’t posted since 2022…let’s help you avoid that burn out!
Make a plan.
Even if it’s not a full blown, elaborate social media strategy (though hit us up if you need help with that), You. Need. A. Plan!
Randomly posting and praying will not get you the results or longevity that you’re looking for. At a minimum your plan should include:
What your goals are
How often you’ll post
Types of content you’ll make
Who will make and post the content
Look back at our two part series on creating a full social media strategy for more details.
Start small
We’ve probably all tried to handle our own social media before. But, if you’ve never done it, don’t try to tackle multiple platforms with tons of content every single day. That’s not sustainable.
Start with one or two platforms that you’re comfortable with, meet your goals, and align with your target audience. Aim to post three times a week, and start adding everyday content to your stories. Curate content that you not only enjoy creating but resonates with your ideal customer as well. The first couple months are going to be a testing phase to determine what content your target audience enjoys and engages with.
Once you are able to do that consistently, you can strategically expand!
Understand who you are as a business and stick to your niche
A women’s clothing boutique is going to have a different vibe than a surf shop or hipster cocktail bar. Take a look at these Instagram grids from small businesses in each of those categories.

Shop Kimberely’s has more feminine colors and timely events to connect with their target audience. Surfin Spoon is clearly offering family-friendly vacation vibes with their DELICIOUS ice cream sandwiches sprinkled in. And lastly, 7 Rooftop Bar showcases their classy drink alongside trendy live music nights.
Your tone on social media should match the experience you offer in your store. OR, if you don’t have a physical location, it should match YOUR personality as well as fit the product or service you offer.
Stay consistent
Your plan will help you stay consistent, but don’t give up on it! You may not see immediate results, but stick with it. Organic social media is a long term game. It takes time to grow your following and reach, so be patient and let the magic work!
Of course, if things REALLY aren’t going well after a couple months, evaluate your analytics to see what’s working and what needs changed. For example, say you’re a local restaurant. Your audience is engaging with most of your content, but every time you post a static image of your “chef’s special” for the week, your engagement tanks. Consider changing that image post to a reel or have the chef talk about the special on your stories instead.
Be patient and consistent, but don’t be afraid to try new things when necessary.
Encourage in-person customers to connect with you online
Get your regulars to follow you on social media! Put up a sign in your shop, or share your new account from your personal page. The people that already know and trust you will help kick start your account following and engagement!
You could even offer a small incentive for people who follow you…maybe a sticker, an entry into a giveaway, or 5% off their next purchase.
BONUS TIP: Hire a professional!
You don’t have to do it all! Let us take the reigns on social media, so you can focus on all the other aspects of your small business. We will work with you to develop a strategy that aligns with you, serves your target audience, and accomplishes your goals.
There you have it! Five simple steps to kickstarting your small business’ social media. Which tip helped you most? And what questions do you still have?